// Set up our player view. Create with a standard VOD layout.
BCOVPUIPlayerView *playerView = [[BCOVPUIPlayerView alloc]
initWithPlaybackController:self.playbackController options:nil controlsView:
[BCOVPUIBasicControlView basicControlViewWithVODLayout] ];
// Set up our player view. Create with a standard VOD layout.
guard let playerView = BCOVPUIPlayerView(playbackController:
self.playbackController, options: options, controlsView:
BCOVPUIBasicControlView.withVODLayout()) else {
這closedCaptionButton被聲明為BCOVPUIButton , 這是一個子類UIButton並添加了三種額外的自定義方法。每當您自定義BCOVPlayerUI控件時,都應在可用的地方使用Native Player API。您的自定義代碼應類似於以下內容:
// Customize the CC button.
BCOVPUIButton *ccButton = playerView.controlsView.closedCaptionButton;
ccButton.titleLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14.];
ccButton.primaryTitle = @"CC";
[ccButton showPrimaryTitle:YES];
if let ccButton = playerView.controlsView.closedCaptionButton {
ccButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
ccButton.primaryTitle = "CC"
// Play the video in this row when selected
- (IBAction)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(nonnull NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSDictionary *videoDictionary = self.videosTableViewData[ (int)indexPath.row ];
BCOVVideo *video = videoDictionary[@"video"];
if (video != nil)
[self.playbackController setVideos:@[ video ]];
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let videosTableViewData = videosTableViewData,
let videoDictionary = videosTableViewData[indexPath.row] as?
[AnyHashable:Any], let video = videoDictionary["video"] as? BCOVVideo else {
playbackController.setVideos([video] as NSFastEnumeration)
// programmatically add cue points to a video
- (void)requestContentFromPlaybackService
[self.service findVideoWithVideoID:kViewControllerVideoID parameters:nil completion:^(BCOVVideo *video, NSDictionary *jsonResponse, NSError *error) {
if (video)
// Get the video duration from the properties dictionary
NSNumber *durationNumber = video.properties[@"duration"]; // milliseconds
float duration = durationNumber.floatValue / 1000.0; // convert to seconds
video = [video update:^(id<BCOVMutableVideo> mutableVideo)
// Add quarterly interval cue points of your own type
BCOVCuePoint *cp1 = [[BCOVCuePoint alloc] initWithType:@"your cue point type" position:CMTimeMake(duration * 250, 1000)];
BCOVCuePoint *cp2 = [[BCOVCuePoint alloc] initWithType:@"your cue point type" position:CMTimeMake(duration * 500, 1000)];
BCOVCuePoint *cp3 = [[BCOVCuePoint alloc] initWithType:@"your cue point type" position:CMTimeMake(duration * 750, 1000)];
BCOVCuePoint *cp4 = [[BCOVCuePoint alloc] initWithType:@"your cue point type" position:CMTimeMake(duration * 1000, 1000)];
// Create new cue point collection using existing cue points and new cue points
NSMutableArray *newCuePoints = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:mutableVideo.cuePoints.array];
[newCuePoints addObject:cp1];
[newCuePoints addObject:cp2];
[newCuePoints addObject:cp3];
[newCuePoints addObject:cp4];
mutableVideo.cuePoints = [[BCOVCuePointCollection alloc] initWithArray:newCuePoints];
[self.playbackController setVideos:@[ video ]];
NSLog(@"ViewController Debug - Error retrieving video: `%@`", error);
// programmatically add cue points to a video
func requestContentFromPlaybackService() {
playbackService?.findVideo(withVideoID: kViewControllerVideoID, parameters: nil)
{ [weak self] (video: BCOVVideo?, jsonResponse: [AnyHashable: Any]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("ViewController Debug - Error retrieving video: `\(error.localizedDescription)`")
if let video = video {
// Get the video duration from the properties dictionary
guard let durationNumber = video.properties["duration"] as? NSNumber else {
let duration = durationNumber.floatValue / 1000.0; // convert to seconds
let updatedVideo = video.update({ (mutableVideo: BCOVMutableVideo?) in
guard let mutableVideo = mutableVideo else {
// Add quarterly interval cue points of your own type
let cp1Position = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(duration * 250), timescale: 1000)
let cp1 = BCOVCuePoint(type: "your cue point type", position: cp1Position)!
let cp2Position = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(duration * 500), timescale: 1000)
let cp2 = BCOVCuePoint(type: "your cue point type", position: cp2Position)!
let cp3Position = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(duration * 750), timescale: 1000)
let cp3 = BCOVCuePoint(type: "your cue point type", position: cp3Position)!
let cp4Position = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(duration * 1000), timescale: 1000)
let cp4 = BCOVCuePoint(type: "your cue point type", position: cp4Position)!
// Create new cue point collection using existing cue points and new cue points
var newCuePoints = [BCOVCuePoint]()
mutableVideo.cuePoints = BCOVCuePointCollection(array: newCuePoints)
self?.playbackController.setVideos([updatedVideo] as NSFastEnumeration)
// listen for cue points and display them
-(void)playbackController:(id<BCOVPlaybackController>)controller playbackSession:(id<BCOVPlaybackSession>)session didPassCuePoints:(NSDictionary *)cuePointInfo
BCOVCuePointCollection *cpc = cuePointInfo[@"kBCOVPlaybackSessionEventKeyCuePoints"];
for (BCOVCuePoint *cp in cpc.array)
if ([cp.type isEqualToString:@"your cue point type"])
NSLog(@"Found your cue point at %f", CMTimeGetSeconds(cp.position));
// listen for cue points and display them
func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController!, playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession!, didPassCuePoints cuePointInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
if let cpc = cuePointInfo[kBCOVPlaybackSessionEventKeyCuePoints] as? BCOVCuePointCollection {
for cp in cpc.array() {
if let cp = cp as? BCOVCuePoint {
if (cp.type == "your cue point type") {
print("Found your cue point at \(CMTimeGetSeconds(cp.position))")
- (void)setUpAudioSession
NSError *categoryError = nil;
BOOL success;
// If the player is muted, then allow mixing.
// Ensure other apps can have their background audio active when this app is in foreground
if (self.currentPlayer.isMuted)
success = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback withOptions:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers error:&categoryError];
success = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback withOptions:0 error:&categoryError];
if (!success)
NSLog(@"AppDelegate Debug - Error setting AVAudioSession category. Because of this, there may be no sound. `%@`", categoryError);
func setUpAudioSession() {
var categoryError :NSError?
var success: Bool
do {
if let currentPlayer = currentPlayer {
// If the player is muted, then allow mixing.
// Ensure other apps can have their background audio active when this app is in foreground
if currentPlayer.isMuted {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, options: .mixWithOthers)
} else {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions(rawValue: 0))
} else {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions(rawValue: 0))
success = true
} catch let error as NSError {
categoryError = error
success = false
if !success {
print("AppDelegate Debug - Error setting AVAudioSession category. Because of this, there may be no sound. \(categoryError!)")